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Future Star Cohorts

Face Mask on Desk

Stars of 2019-2020

Jack Bobo
Caleb Kim
Helen Qian
Robert Sun
Hudson Tao
Floris Ye
Paris Ye
Tess Yu

2019-2020 Project

During the year of 2019-2020 the FSP team created a website holding their articles, videos, and designed stickers to promote Covid safety.

Citrus Fruits

Stars of 2021-2022

Allison Fan

Lily Peng

Alex Tong

Jesse Zong

Injoo Lee

Luke Wong

Ivory Siri

Issac Yi

Abhi Senthikumar

Kelly He

Suh Yoonah

Shaunak Gaiki

Ella Jiao

Grace Chen

Kelly Yang

Ryan Hwang

Rachel Yan

Suwen Ren

Allison Zhang

Kevin An

Kieu Huynh

Thomas Lee

Justin Choi

Rakesh Krishnan

2021-2022 Project


During the year of 2021-2022 the FSP teams addressed the challenges of mental health, STEM education, and climate change.


FSP 2021-2022 Teams

Team Mt. Rushmore

Team Mt. Rushmore has a calling for awareness of environmental change, They created “Project rooted” with coloration with Green team Urbana. Great teamwork makes the dream work! The most impressive moment is “all hands on deck” when needed – the team members are backup each other and get things done.

Team Mt. Everest

Team Mt. Everest has a “project bridge” focused on mental health awareness which is the priority of our busy life. Our happiness is essential and self-care is a necessity. They have utilized various communication channels for outreach including websites, social media, and contests. The data tracking process and data support are impressive.

Team Mt. Fuji

Team Mt. Fuji has a “Science for Fun” project prompting interest and encouraging youth to explore STEM – make science is more relevant to kids and let them see the values. Partnered with EcoSwift for hands-on event! Let’s see how this project unfolded.


Event Video: Link

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